Brian Huntress
Corrupt Priest Mutilating the Spirit of God by Brian Huntress  Image: The corrupt priest stares shamelessly at the viewer as he drinks the blood of the spirit of God as noted by his halo and crucifixion wounds. He is a charlatan, a fraud, and a killer. He assumed the role of the divine, the truthful, and the powerful only to use his position to feed his own sick whims and desires. 

Goats dance in the shadows behind him while his followers dance on the other side. A monkey sits atop his shoulder to symbolize the inhumanity of the priests actions. Snakes swirl about and a rosary rings sits on his finger to symbolize the contradiction, deception, and duplicity brought on by the corrupt priest.

This piece is painted with cold blooded detail to highlight the intentionality of its meaning. While abstraction is often used to promote exploratory thinking, hyper representation is used to restrict meaning and show the viewer a specific intent. This painting is not a condemnation of religion or religious thought but is instead an attack on the coopting of religious roles and spaces to inflict violence on people.
The corrupt priest stares shamelessly at the viewer as he drinks the blood of the spirit of God as noted by his halo and crucifixion wounds. He is a charlatan, a fraud, and a killer. He assumed the role of the divine, the truthful, and the powerful only to use his position to feed his own sick whims and desires. Goats dance in the shadows behind him while his followers dance on the other side. A monkey sits atop his shoulder to symbolize the inhumanity of the priests actions. Snakes swirl about and a rosary rings sits on his finger to symbolize the contradiction, deception, and duplicity brought on by the corrupt priest. This piece is painted with cold blooded detail to highlight the intentionality of its meaning. While abstraction is often used to promote exploratory thinking, hyper representation is used to restrict meaning and show the viewer a specific intent. This painting is not a condemnation of religion or religious thought but is instead an attack on the coopting of religious roles and spaces to inflict violence on people.