Brandon "BiZY" Botten
A Man's Self Portrait by Brandon "BiZY" Botten  Image: As I began growing more confident with my style, I decided to complete my first self-portrait based on how I saw/felt the world around me at the time. It was winter, it was a cold, dark and introspective time. I was home for the holidays, which gave me a surge of child-like innocence and nostalgia. I felt refreshed, careless about my appearance, and unburdened by societal expectation.
As I began growing more confident with my style, I decided to complete my first self-portrait based on how I saw/felt the world around me at the time. It was winter, it was a cold, dark and introspective time. I was home for the holidays, which gave me a surge of child-like innocence and nostalgia. I felt refreshed, careless about my appearance, and unburdened by societal expectation.
  • Subject Matter: Portrait
  • Created: December 22, 2017
  • Inventory Number: 000004