"All You Need Is Love" by Yunior Hurtado Torres  Image: "All You Need Is Love"

Day by day we live interacting in society, disguising, hiding, denying, thanking, supporting, creating images that many times we are not. We follow fashions, cultures and bad habits, leaving aside the thoughts of the being that we are and inhabit. Society has taught us to discriminate and judge those who are next to us, beings who have another way of seeing and interacting with the world. Discrimination is a phenomenon very present in all societies, races and cultures, affecting human thought. This piece is a call to human thought and the way we act and affect ourselves as beings. It is a reflection on the human being in society these days, how we should stimulate connections without prejudices or differences that are only placed in our minds. I use two completely discordant elements, bomb (grenade) and heart, which are directed at a human being, to create an eclipse of extreme risk. It is a metaphor between two poles that in the end can be together to emphasize a need for desires, such as being loved.
"All You Need Is Love" Day by day we live interacting in society, disguising, hiding, denying, thanking, supporting, creating images that many times we are not. We follow fashions, cultures and bad habits, leaving aside the thoughts of the being that we are and inhabit. Society has taught us to discriminate and judge those who are next to us, beings who have another way of seeing and interacting with the world. Discrimination is a phenomenon very present in all societies, races and cultures, affecting human thought. This piece is a call to human thought and the way we act and affect ourselves as beings. It is a reflection on the human being in society these days, how we should stimulate connections without prejudices or differences that are only placed in our minds. I use two completely discordant elements, bomb (grenade) and heart, which are directed at a human being, to create an eclipse of extreme risk. It is a metaphor between two poles that in the end can be together to emphasize a need for desires, such as being loved.
  • Created: January 2023
  • Collections: 2023