All the Flowers Danced I by Vic Mastis  Image: I couldn't believe my eyes as we pulled into a rest stop off Hiway 37 in Texas!  Wildflowers everywhere!!  The blue bells, Indian paintbrushes and some kind of purple flower where growing on almost every square inch that wasn't concrete.  As the wind blew, I could smell the sweet scent of these blooms.  The tons of pictures I took will help remind me of the awe I felt when I unexpectedly saw these blooms as I came around the corner into the rest stop.
I couldn't believe my eyes as we pulled into a rest stop off Hiway 37 in Texas! Wildflowers everywhere!! The blue bells, Indian paintbrushes and some kind of purple flower where growing on almost every square inch that wasn't concrete. As the wind blew, I could smell the sweet scent of these blooms. The tons of pictures I took will help remind me of the awe I felt when I unexpectedly saw these blooms as I came around the corner into the rest stop.