Temiskaming Art Gallery

Permanent Collection

Temiskaming Art Gallery - On Site Exhibition
Cobalt on the Rocks by Jean Stoughton  Image: I had attended Cobalt Art Colony in the summer of 1975. I stayed on after the Colony and this work was painted then. I attended Cobalt Art Colony from 1964 to 1990 each summer for one week with or without an instructor and I learned to see, and then to paint. At the Colony I always felt embraced by the history of the area and it was easy to paint those feelings for the North.
I had attended Cobalt Art Colony in the summer of 1975. I stayed on after the Colony and this work was painted then. I attended Cobalt Art Colony from 1964 to 1990 each summer for one week with or without an instructor and I learned to see, and then to paint. At the Colony I always felt embraced by the history of the area and it was easy to paint those feelings for the North.