Temiskaming Art Gallery
Ferns and Fiddleheads by Janet Bourgeau  Image: Done in the early 80’s, this work was made soon after moving north from Windsor. I had studied printmaking at university and I was anxious to try out my skills of etching combined with collagraph. I was thrilled to move to a region of lakes and forests and was eager to capture the forest floor, hence the idea of fiddleheads that turn into lovely ferns.
Done in the early 80’s, this work was made soon after moving north from Windsor. I had studied printmaking at university and I was anxious to try out my skills of etching combined with collagraph. I was thrilled to move to a region of lakes and forests and was eager to capture the forest floor, hence the idea of fiddleheads that turn into lovely ferns.

Artist: Janet Bourgeau x

  • Edition: 7/25
  • Created: 1981
  • Inventory Number: 001