Temiskaming Art Gallery
Experiment #1 by Chelsea Smith  Image: This painting was the very first step towards the painting journey I am currently on. It was a step between painting the textures found in nature and the actual making of pigments from nature. I used Z.E.C. as a main binder, which has a slight pine scent to it, a number of dried and crushed barks and pine needles from the Englehart area and a base created with fragments of actual found bark and some acrylic mediums.
This painting was the very first step towards the painting journey I am currently on. It was a step between painting the textures found in nature and the actual making of pigments from nature. I used Z.E.C. as a main binder, which has a slight pine scent to it, a number of dried and crushed barks and pine needles from the Englehart area and a base created with fragments of actual found bark and some acrylic mediums.

Artist: Chelsea Smith x