Tara Novak

VAIL DAILY - Best of Vail Valley: Artists

The best visual artists, musicians in the valley

VAIL DAILY - Best of Vail Valley: Artists

Best of Vail Valley: Artists

The best visual artists, musicians and galleries in the valley

Entertainment ENTERTAINMENT | 1d ago

Vail Daily Staff Report  

The beauty of the Vail Valley attracts and inspires great artists. With a substantial number of talented artists and collectors to choose from, the Vail Daily readers have selected the following as their favorites this year.

Best Visual Artist

Tara Austin Novak has lived in the Vail Valley for more than 20 years and applies the light, colors and textures that she finds in nature to her paintings. Her fine art portfolio is filled with snow-covered aspen trees, vibrant abstract landscapes and zen contemplations that feature lotus flowers and om symbols.


Best Art Gallery

The large number of art galleries in Vail Valley are representative of how highly fine art and artists are valued in our community.

ARTSPaCE Workshop + Gallery in Eagle is a consignment gallery that is dedicated to giving exposure and patronage to local artists.

Courtesy Photo

ARTSPaCE Workshop + Gallery in Eagle is a consignment gallery that is dedicated to giving exposure and patronage to local artists. The gallery hosts a variety of artisan wares by Eagle County artists, all of which are also made available for purchase at their online store.

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