Sylvie Pool Alvarez

Artwork in "Cross-Currents" exhibit at Isla Center For The Arts

Artwork in "Cross-Currents" exhibit at Isla Center For The Arts

Excited to be showing two pieces at the "Cross Currents" exhibit at the University of Guam Isla Center For The Arts beginning tomorrow, 10th of March (opening reception - 4 to 6pm). 😊


Stoneware, glaze, 2167°F

9.25 x 5.3 x 2.17 in

Not only must one be eloquent but one must be gracious enough to lend an ear to identify with the other side.

"Gyres," Happy Accident Series

White stoneware clay, glaze, 2167°F

8.3 x 8.2 x 1 in

We as a multitude of cultures living in close proximity churn, swirl, or coalesce around mutual issues, just like gyres, which are large systems of ocean currents.

This piece comes from what I call the "Happy Accident" series because the first of these was created after I had accidentally broken many pieces, was at a loss, and decided to try something new to help break my sense of frustration. The name came to me because my mentor, Lewis Rifkowitz, loves using that phrase.