My Bestie by Susan Silvester  Image: This series of silverpoint portraits merges the ancient art technique with contemporary themes, showcasing children and their modern toys or pets to reflect on the evolving nature of play and companionship. The use of silverpoint lends a timeless quality to these intimate depictions, emphasizing the deep connections between the subjects and their chosen companions, whether organic or engineered. Through this juxtaposition, the series invites viewers to contemplate the impact of technology on childhood and the fundamental nature of friendship
This series of silverpoint portraits merges the ancient art technique with contemporary themes, showcasing children and their modern toys or pets to reflect on the evolving nature of play and companionship. The use of silverpoint lends a timeless quality to these intimate depictions, emphasizing the deep connections between the subjects and their chosen companions, whether organic or engineered. Through this juxtaposition, the series invites viewers to contemplate the impact of technology on childhood and the fundamental nature of friendship

Collection: drawings2024 x