Magical Rabbit by Susan Silvester  Image: 
"The Magical Rabbit" is inspired by the enchanting tales surrounding a rare pika, affectionately known as the magical rabbit in China, embodying the mystique and allure of folklore. This ceramic sculpture captures the essence of these narratives, bringing a piece of mythical charm into the tangible world. Its unique glaze, transitioning from a pastel teal to white with hints of pink, mimics the delicate artistry of a wedding cake, symbolizing celebration and joy. Through this creation, I aim to bridge the gap between the realms of magic and reality, inviting onlookers to delve into the wonders of nature and imagination.
"The Magical Rabbit" is inspired by the enchanting tales surrounding a rare pika, affectionately known as the magical rabbit in China, embodying the mystique and allure of folklore. This ceramic sculpture captures the essence of these narratives, bringing a piece of mythical charm into the tangible world. Its unique glaze, transitioning from a pastel teal to white with hints of pink, mimics the delicate artistry of a wedding cake, symbolizing celebration and joy. Through this creation, I aim to bridge the gap between the realms of magic and reality, inviting onlookers to delve into the wonders of nature and imagination.
  • Subject Matter: animal portrait
  • Collections: Scuptures