Scott D.S. Young


37th Annual Emeryville Art Exhibition


Exhibition: Public Market Emeryville, 5905 Shellmound St.

October 7 - 29, 2023 | Wednesdays through Sundays, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Two pieces were selected for this group show:

1). Wild Blue Iris

Monotype Etching Collagraph, triplet print

"Wild Blue Iris" is a monotype etching collagraph that evokes a sense of fleeting beauty and tranquility. It captures a rare and exclusive essence with only three limited print runs. What sets this artwork apart is the subtle use of blues that wash over the composition, creating a soothing, almost dreamlike atmosphere. The delicate petals of the iris exhibit a graceful flow effect of swirling into the wind.

2). Inside a Seashell

Medium Watercolor

March 2020:

Created off the southern coast of Camps Bay, South Africa, 'Inside a Seashell' emerged as a peaceful creation during the pandemic.

June 2021:

Framed and preserved, this masterpiece awaited its moment as it hung on my studio walls.

August 2021:

It made its debut at the Las Laguna Gallery in California.

October 6-28, 2023:

The journey continues as 'Inside a Seashell' graces Emery Arts in Emeryville, California, for its second exhibition."


About Emeryville Art Exhibition

The mission of the nonprofit Emeryville Celebration of the Arts Inc. is to foster an appreciation of the arts and artists of Emeryville and promote the city’s image as a culturally vital and progressive center for living and working. Its purpose is to produce and coordinate community-based events and programs to meet its primary goals:

Enhance the quality of life in Emeryville

Recognize the arts as a major cultural and economic resource

Increase citizen involvement in the arts through an active partnership of our business, residential, and arts communities.

Increase public awareness of the rich diversity of all forms of creative expression in Emeryville.