Sally Sutton Textiles


Lauch of New Sally Sutton Textile Site


I am pleased to announce the launch of my Sally Sutton Textiles website!

Now you can view, share, and purchase my collection of kimonos and shawls online. All inspired by my original paintings and locally printed in my custom-designed fabric.

The inks used are all Eco inks and printed with love and care in Durham, NC, and cut and sewn by professional designer/seamstress (and arts administrator) Jennifer Collins-Mancour in Timberlake, NC. I love how she cuts the fabric to show off the designs!

Some new offerings we came up with are the Short and Long Tunics which can be worn as a scoop or v-neck. They have the perfect amount of transparency to wear over leggings or a swimsuit.

You can purchase by sending me an inquiry on the site and I will work out the payment details. Some are already sold out but I will take the order and it will be sewn and shipped to you in 2-3 weeks.

Hope you enjoy seeing my new collection!
