R. Raya

Busy in the Studio

Painting like crazy in 2020!

Busy in the Studio

Spending these difficult times maintaining my mental and physical health with my creative efforts. I LOVE painting.

As many others, I have been putting my living and workspace into a more pleasant, organized and useful environment. Since I had just (in February) finished the 2nd of a 3 part of an interior redesign; and am I grateful that happened! I began "attacking" the dust-catching boxes, Stacks of them! of old paper work that kept getting moved from spot to in-the-way places. An overwhelming but strangely therapeutic and enlightening exercise. I do a happy dance each time another box is emptied and numerous bags out to the garbage!

Organizing 40 years of my creative accomplishments; and the review of all I've created, the arch of my artistic growth, has been really educational for me. Normally I'm focused on what is currently in stages of completion and what I need/want to do to finish the next painting.

I like to imagine that I'm about 1/2 way through, but it may take longer! The finale results, specifically relating to my artist growth I plan to add to my Archive Archives.