Nebraska 1% for Public Art

Recently Completed 1% for Public Art Project

Raylene Gorum: Intervallum, installed September 2019

Recently Completed 1% for Public Art Project

Intervallum breaks down an octave into colorful intervals. The rhythm of the colored patterns lends motion and interpretations to the piece, allowing background colors to migrate through the piece, like companion tones in music. An interval is simply described as “the difference in pitch between two musical sounds” but originates from the Latin “intervallum” - the space between ramparts. This piece also spans the spatial chasm in the hallway with a portion installed along the glass wall above.   

Raylene Gorum, an artist based in Sausilito, CA, installed Intervallum and Anticipare at the newly expanded Willis S. and Janet Strauss Performing Arts Center, which was originally built in 1972 and features the Concert Hall, state-of-the-art recording studios, a Casavant Organ, Recital Hall, rehearsal studios and classrooms.