Michelle Concepción

"Exposing Structures" Solo Exhibition at Galerie Kristine Hamann

"Exposing Structures"  Solo Exhibition at Galerie Kristine Hamann

"The art of concepción is not an art of things, but an art of their spirits". Thyrza Nichols Goodeve 

The world of the tiniest things cannot be grasped by our eyes. It would forever remain a mystery were it not for very special devices. Those who look through them experience an exciting journey through the realm of the tiniest creatures and particles. I suspect that most people can hardly contain their fascination because what we see we cannot comprehend.

It is hard to imagine how far we can penetrate into the microcosm and how tiny the world is that we might discover and find. Is it possible that at the really last frontier in the microcosm we break through a wall and meet ourselves in the macrocosm? It's a notion that gives me goosebumps. A similar feeling comes over me when I look at the pictures of Michelle Concepción. She invites us into the imagination of the world of invisible events of which we are a part.

In this exhibition, we see works from different series and years, consisting of paintings on canvas and wood and ink works behind glass.

Kristine Hamann

Galerie Kristine Hamann