The Crabb brothers evade arrest by Michael Bourke  Image: April 6 1931, in a bizarre case of mistaken identity, Man with a head full of budgies is arrested for the murder of Stinky Muldoon, allowing all three Crabb brothers to walk free. The siblings would go on to control the criminal underworld of Mudgee for a further 30 years until the invention of fingerprints in 1965.

To this day, their story continues to inspire young men with a belief that whilst ever we stick together, all things are possible.
April 6 1931, in a bizarre case of mistaken identity, Man with a head full of budgies is arrested for the murder of Stinky Muldoon, allowing all three Crabb brothers to walk free. The siblings would go on to control the criminal underworld of Mudgee for a further 30 years until the invention of fingerprints in 1965. To this day, their story continues to inspire young men with a belief that whilst ever we stick together, all things are possible.