Marisabel Gonzalez

INTENTION: My word for 2023

INTENTION: My word for 2023

At the beginning of every year, I pick up a word that I shall try to stick by in everything I do. Last year was CHALLENGE, and I do believe I lived by it. I set big goals for my art practice and I was able to reach most of them - happy girl here - but I also paid a toll for this.

The word I selected for 2023 is INTENTION.


I am not the type of person that likes to get too comfortable in their shoes and keep challenging myself constantly. This, of course, is great! It is how we grow and how we can achieve huge things. I proved this to myself last year, but living in a constant stretch of your emotional and intellectual muscle groups also has its disadvantage and puts you at risk of acting without INTENTION.

This year I am setting myself up for what I am calling “intentional challenges”. This means my goals will be based on curated intentions that will push me forward and that will require me to take inspired actions. So rather than achieving just for the sake of ‘doing’, I’ll have to be present in the moment - which is a lot to ask for someone that lacks patience as I do.

If 2022 was the year of reaching milestones by leaving fear behind, then 2023 is the year of curating my projects for steady growth.

I hope this exploration allows me to produce art that I feel proud of and that you enjoy witnessing.

Watch the space!