Katy Cauker

759- Fall Reeds - Sculptures in the Wetlands - Klamath Wildlife Refuge

Newly finished now showing at KC Gallery in Medford.

759- Fall Reeds - Sculptures in the Wetlands - Klamath Wildlife Refuge

One of the more challenging choices I’ve made was stopping on the roadside in the drizzle of fall, to paint the sculptural shapes of decaying cattails- ten years ago! This past week I finally declared it done for the last time, I think! Such is a life where every decision is a choice only you, the artist, can make. The never ending selection of options, each with the ability to completely shift the focus and feel of the selected marks and bits of paint before you. A daunting task, humbling in it’s power to affect the viewer or be completely overlooked, impotent of impact. This one, of the natural, sculptural shapes I believe I have succeeded. A visual delight on a winding path through nature’s palette of muted color. Enjoy!