Kathleen Tonnesen

In Gratitude for Douglas College, New Westminster, B.C., Canada, Instructors

Continuing Adult Education Expands Your Growth as an Artist

Due to my positive experience at Douglas College as a mature student beginning in 2010, I continued to study and have achieved a Bachelor of Arts, Psychology degree from Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada, in 2022. This was an academic dream come true, in spite of adapting to vision loss challenges along my journey. On reflection, as I approach my sixtieth birthday in July this year, I am filled with deep gratitude for all of the Douglas College instructors that I have had the honour of attending their classes on campus. As an instructor of art, magic, and Yoshinkan Aikido (kids), myself, oftentimes instructors may feel as though they have not reached their students, but I want each of you to know that you reached me and inspired me to grow in my understanding of self and knowledge accumulation - Thank you! My experience, I believe, has enhanced my ability as a visual artist, author, and creator, to communicate more effectively in business and in personal matters. - Kathleen Tonnesen, 2023.