Amsterdam Boat  Image: While exploring the canals of old and historic Amsterdam, my darling granddaughters and I fell into step with the rhythms of the waves and goings-on of modern life there, capturing scenes of breakfast or evening diners, with their fresh pizza or pastas and wine.
Occasionally there were derelict boats hugging their moorings near the celebrants cruising by.
While exploring the canals of old and historic Amsterdam, my darling granddaughters and I fell into step with the rhythms of the waves and goings-on of modern life there, capturing scenes of breakfast or evening diners, with their fresh pizza or pastas and wine. Occasionally there were derelict boats hugging their moorings near the celebrants cruising by.
  • Subject Matter: Still Life
  • Created: 2018
  • Inventory Number: KKW2018SLAC-1
  • Collections: Acrylic on Canvas