Jeff Jurich Art


Welcome to Jeff Jurich Art, my online art studio and gallery. Thanks for taking a moment to look at the work I've been making--I hope you enjoy what you see!


I'm very excited to offer "Objects of Delight", a collection of my assemblages in resin. I hope their bright colors, patterns and shapes, rhythms and textures evoke a sense of delight and enjoyment for you.

I have been building this body of work for a couple years now, sharing some of it on social media, and now I am happy to make these pieces available for purchase. If you have any questions about my work in general, or about a specific piece, please use the “Inquire” button next to any artwork image to contact me. If you find that one of these delights must go to live with you, or maybe become a gift to a friend, you can use the “Purchase” button to receive a web invoice to purchase with PayPal or credit card.

Please visit me again... and consider signing up for my quarterly newsletter to receive advance notice and early entry to future artwork releases, and insights into my working process, works in progress and video studio tours. You can paste this link in your browser:

to send me your email address, which I will not share with anyone else.

Thank you! I appreciate your visit!
