Jeff Jurich Art
Pencils 1: Black & Silver  Image: I am not usually drawn to expressing nostalgic feeling in my work, but something of that comes forth when I work with the pencils… There is an emotive aspect to these simple, discarded, often broken tools, which every one of us has used since we were kids, that gets expressed as I play with various combinations, rhythms, repetitions, patterns, sizes, etc. Somehow they tend to tell small wordless stories that bring a little memory or smile to the forefront.
I am not usually drawn to expressing nostalgic feeling in my work, but something of that comes forth when I work with the pencils… There is an emotive aspect to these simple, discarded, often broken tools, which every one of us has used since we were kids, that gets expressed as I play with various combinations, rhythms, repetitions, patterns, sizes, etc. Somehow they tend to tell small wordless stories that bring a little memory or smile to the forefront.
  • Framed: 5 x 5 x 1 in
  • Created: 2018
  • Inventory Number: PF_0001
  • Collections: Objects of Delight