James de Villiers

Notes on my screenprint processes

Notes on my screenprint processes

This artwork, and many others, is made up of multiple silkscreen monotypes and monoprints. It is an evolving process, subverting the more traditional silkscreen method of editioning. Selected images are added or subtracted (by overprinting or overpainting) over a period of time. I never have an edition of this type of work as there is a great deal of spontaneity in the making. Sometimes I will use the same image repeatedly over a series of works, but no two final works will be the same. I print over brushwork and painted surfaces and build up layer upon layer. Often the process ends up being painted over in some areas and basically restarted. Some artworks have taken me several years to satisfactorily complete. 

A monotype is made by painting on an open silkscreen and printing from that spontaneous image and a monoprint is made by using a pre-existing image/s produced by using photo- or hand-painted/cut stencils.