Eric T. Kunsman
The Drapery by Eric T. Kunsman  Image: ID: A black and white image shows a corridor that ends with a drape.  The ceiling is curved and there is a window in the ceiling.  The light from the window highlights the dust in the air.  There is light beyond the drape which is seen at the bottom and top of the drape.
ID: A black and white image shows a corridor that ends with a drape. The ceiling is curved and there is a window in the ceiling. The light from the window highlights the dust in the air. There is light beyond the drape which is seen at the bottom and top of the drape.
  • Framed: 30 x 30 x 1 in (76.2 x 76.2 x 2.54 cm)
  • Subject Matter: Thou Art…, Will Give… Series
  • Created: 2004
  • Reproductions: Available
  • Collections: Thou Art..., Will Give...