Derek Gores Gallery
Astronaut by Hanna Clark by Derek Gores Gallery  Image: Hanna Clark is a printmaker in Melbourne, FL. She works mainly in traditional relief processes and loves the unique graphic quality inherent to hand-carved imagery. Her work emphasizes light and shadow and draws inspiration from the scenery of her surroundings. This astronaut is a nod to the nostalgia of early space technology that is central to space coast area history. 

Hanna studied printmaking and art theory (BA) at the University of Michigan, received an MFA from the University of Idaho, and an MS in Human Factors Engineering from Embry-Riddle University.
Hanna Clark is a printmaker in Melbourne, FL. She works mainly in traditional relief processes and loves the unique graphic quality inherent to hand-carved imagery. Her work emphasizes light and shadow and draws inspiration from the scenery of her surroundings. This astronaut is a nod to the nostalgia of early space technology that is central to space coast area history. Hanna studied printmaking and art theory (BA) at the University of Michigan, received an MFA from the University of Idaho, and an MS in Human Factors Engineering from Embry-Riddle University.