We Are Stronger Together by Dellis Frank  Image: In response to the April 29, 1992, riots that exploded when four white police officers were acquitted of the brutal beating of Rodney King, I say that we are stronger together. The Korean community found out just how little the powers that be cared about them. No one came to save them from the anger of the Black community for the injustice of the criminal system. But days later when the Black community came to help Korean businesses clean and rebuild, we could see just how powerful we can be when we come together.
In response to the April 29, 1992, riots that exploded when four white police officers were acquitted of the brutal beating of Rodney King, I say that we are stronger together. The Korean community found out just how little the powers that be cared about them. No one came to save them from the anger of the Black community for the injustice of the criminal system. But days later when the Black community came to help Korean businesses clean and rebuild, we could see just how powerful we can be when we come together.

Collection: Social Justice / Commentary x