See Me by Dellis Frank  Image: The number does not matter. The reason does. For more than four centuries Black men and women have been killed without consequence by those that were supposed to protect and serve. The reason is the melanin, the color of their skin. These Black human beings were not seen as human beings because they didn’t look like the law enforcement hired to protect and serve. They felt it was justifiable to treat these Black human beings like rabid dogs without regard to their humanity instead of protecting and serving. These Black human beings were not seen. All that is asked is that you, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, society, see them as human beings. Just see me.
The number does not matter. The reason does. For more than four centuries Black men and women have been killed without consequence by those that were supposed to protect and serve. The reason is the melanin, the color of their skin. These Black human beings were not seen as human beings because they didn’t look like the law enforcement hired to protect and serve. They felt it was justifiable to treat these Black human beings like rabid dogs without regard to their humanity instead of protecting and serving. These Black human beings were not seen. All that is asked is that you, law enforcement, prosecutors, judges, society, see them as human beings. Just see me.

Collection: Social Justice / Commentary x