Broken Water by Dellis Frank  Image: Our bodies are mostly made of water. You would think that having clean water for every citizen is a top priority in this great country of ours. But no, greed, unsavory characters taking shortcuts and those that will never be affected by the poor quality of drinking water have shown that they couldn’t care less about those communities. Broken water represents more than just the actual filthy water people are expected to use but speaks to a larger broken system.
Our bodies are mostly made of water. You would think that having clean water for every citizen is a top priority in this great country of ours. But no, greed, unsavory characters taking shortcuts and those that will never be affected by the poor quality of drinking water have shown that they couldn’t care less about those communities. Broken water represents more than just the actual filthy water people are expected to use but speaks to a larger broken system.
  • Subject Matter: Social Justice