Cary Galbraith
100 Horse Power  Image: Made in America is the John Deere tractor.  Power equal to 100 horses, hence it does the job.  As I went out to paint one morning this bright yellow and green tractor caught my eye.  It was on a field that has trails open to the public for hiking.  Easy to park and unpack.  Fortunately I was able to get a good start on the painting.  When the workmen arrived with a large apparatis which they connected to the tractor, I knew my time was up.  I shot a few photos to make finishing touches in the studio.
Made in America is the John Deere tractor. Power equal to 100 horses, hence it does the job. As I went out to paint one morning this bright yellow and green tractor caught my eye. It was on a field that has trails open to the public for hiking. Easy to park and unpack. Fortunately I was able to get a good start on the painting. When the workmen arrived with a large apparatis which they connected to the tractor, I knew my time was up. I shot a few photos to make finishing touches in the studio.
  • Subject Matter: Landscape