Brian Hugh Wagner
Spring Hay by Brian Hugh Wagner  Image: A tranquil scene featuring a tree in the foreground after a snow shower early one morning. With an impressionistic style, the piece depicts a grassy landscape, just recently cut and baled for hay. The Big Thompson river trees in the distance add depth and mystery to the scene. The brush strokes are visible and add texture, conveying a peaceful outdoor setting.
A tranquil scene featuring a tree in the foreground after a snow shower early one morning. With an impressionistic style, the piece depicts a grassy landscape, just recently cut and baled for hay. The Big Thompson river trees in the distance add depth and mystery to the scene. The brush strokes are visible and add texture, conveying a peaceful outdoor setting.
  • Subject Matter: Abstract Landscape
  • Created: April 22, 2024
  • Inventory Number: 0409
  • Current Location: For Sale Iventory