Lord Mashiba Hisayoshi, the Tairyô by Tsukioka Yoshitoshi  Image: “Lord Hisayoshi was from a humble background but ultimately became the head of government. He also demonstrated his daring power over a foreign dynasty. One year, he climbed Mount Kōya and went looking for the cave of the Buddhist master Kūkai with the intention of challenging the Esoteric Buddhist precepts. Immediately thunder roared, the earth shook, and a stormy wind blew out the group’s umbrellas. Even the lord became frightened by this and turned back.” – Kikubatei Rokō

Photo Courtesy of ASU Art Museum
“Lord Hisayoshi was from a humble background but ultimately became the head of government. He also demonstrated his daring power over a foreign dynasty. One year, he climbed Mount Kōya and went looking for the cave of the Buddhist master Kūkai with the intention of challenging the Esoteric Buddhist precepts. Immediately thunder roared, the earth shook, and a stormy wind blew out the group’s umbrellas. Even the lord became frightened by this and turned back.” – Kikubatei Rokō Photo Courtesy of ASU Art Museum