Wali Walt Neil's Public Legacy

  • August 10, 2023 - August 11, 2023
TAG Gallery - On Site Exhibition
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Guests enjoying Wali's original artwork

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News of the Mile, artHYPE and AVM

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Francesca Miller, Artist influenced by Walt Neil

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Chris and Samantha Devlin, Barbara Fant, Stacy and Reggie Gooden, Reception photos by Lori Hutchison

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Exhibition Installation

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Wren Sarrow with projected murals by Walt Neil

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Exhibition view

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Nelson Datu setting up to record Barbara Fant's Poetry Performance.

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Patrick Dyer and Justin Boone with Jonathan Sarrow

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Stacy Gooden with Victoria Esposito

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Jewlya Samaniego with Wren Sarrow in front of Wali's Divine Feminine Mural

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Barbara Fant warming up

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Barbara Fant

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Guests, including Tisha Janigian, watching Barbara Fant's enthralling poetry performance

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Documenting Walt Wali Neil's Legacy in Columbus, Ohio - By Donte Woods Spikes

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