Anne Marchand

Holiday Pop Up Exhibition

A collaboration between Green Chalk Contemporary and the Temple Sister Studios. Image: Anne Marchand, Boundary, 13"x12" on panel

Holiday Pop Up Exhibition

Holiday Pop Up Exhibition - December 1 through December 31, 2023.

With artists: Ruth Bolduan, Zoya Scholis, Kim Campbell, Jerry Takigawa, Jamie Dagdigian, Waldek Dynerman, John Rexine, Laurel Farrin, Mark Tanous, Heidi McGurrin, Susan Hyde-Greene, Leonard Han, Robin Hamill, Anne Marchand, Victoria May, Tom Nakashima, Francie Hester, Betsy Packard, Katherine Reader, Brook Temple and the Temple Sisters

Where: Temple Studios, 542 Ortiz #5, Sand City

Contact to purchase art from this exhibition.